
TagSearch implements two functions:
  1. Document index management
  2. Document searching

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1) Administration

Index management proceeds according to the following steps:

a) create an index with all its properties. It is possible to specify that all documents that will be indexed will be linguistically analyzed (morphology and syntax) in order to prune all ambiguities. So in the sentence: "The table is near by the wall", the word "table" will be distinguished from a verb usage like in: "They table the results".

b) add documents in the index: this is indexation.

Two sources are possible:

. the documents are on the local disk or network,

. the documents are internet readable. In this case, the software will use its own spider to get the pages.

c) delete an index.

2) Search

The goal is to find indexed documents from a boolean query. The documents could be retrieved inside one or several index. The result is a list of documents ranked by a number. The original document est displayed with the sentence (or the sentences) hightlighted in order to ease the reading.