
TagSpider is an aspirator for web pages.

It operates according to two different modes:

1) a batch mode by the means of the command line,

2) an interactive mode thru a Swing GUI.

The two modes have the same functionalities.

Return to products page


The interactive mode displays the following window :

It is possible to:

1) for the source :

- to define a filter upon the document language. The permitted values are: All (no filter), German, English, Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutsch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish. It is possible to specify multiple values in order for instance to get French and English pages.

- to give URLs that will be aspirated.

- a maximum page number for each site The default value is 50.

- If we want to restrict processing to the nammed site or if we permit a site jump.

- If we want strictly HTML pages or pages in other formats.

2) For the target:

- to specify the target directory.

- to specify if an 'on the fly' translation to text format is wanted.


To know the batch mode syntax, just run the program with the '-help' option.